1. Did you know that there is such thing as cold water geysers?
While they are fairly rare this country is home to two of them.
2. This country's capital city is unique as it is the only one two border two countries.
3. In this country you can also find a unique rock formation.
While it looks like waterfall it is in fact made entirely out of stones.
4. This country is also home to a unique building. Located in its capital city is an inverted pyramid which serves as a building for the radio and television broadcast station.
5. In 1924 this country hosted Europe's first ever marathon.
6. In 1977 this country became home to the first architectural reserve dedicated to folk art.
7. As of 2009, this country is now home to the most recent and most accurate solar clock.
8. At almost 19 m (61 ft) tall this country is ome to the world's tallest
wooden altar. Even more impressive this was done without any nails,
9. With 180 castles and 425 chateaux this country
is the one with most castles and chateaux per capita,
10. Last but not least this country is home to the midpoint of Europe.
The correct answer was:
Hope you enjoyed the beautiful pictures and fun facts!
Check in next Friday and find out which country I'll do next.
Have a wonderful day!
Lots of fun facts! I couldn't find the answer until the big reveal. Thanks Victor!
Hello Victor, I love it. This is so original and interesting ! A wonderful way to travel!
Hello Victor, I really like your virtual voiyages