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Where am I? - United States Part 28

Updated: Oct 19

1. Did you know where the world's first indoor movie theater was created in 1896 in this state?

2. This state is also home to the first opera to take place in the United States.

3. At 460 ft. (140.2 m) this state's capitol building is the tallest one in the United States.

4. This state also houses the world's longest bridge

(17.6 miles or 28.3 km long) that is continuously over water.

5. This state's biggest city has 21 historic districts which is the most in an American city.

6. It is also home to the United States oldest fishing tournament which has been taking place since 1928.

7. With over 2 million alligators, this state hosts more alligators than anywhere else in the world.

8. Operating since 1835, this state has the world oldest

continuously street car line occurring in this state's largest city.

9. This city is also the lowest point in the United States located outside

California with its elevation ranging from -6.5 ft. (-2m) to -20 ft. (-6 m).

10. This state also has the unique distinction that doesn't follow the English Common Law tradition.

The correct answer was:

Hope you enjoyed the beautiful pictures and fun facts!

Check in next Friday and find out which state I'll do next.

Have a wonderful day!

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Comments (4)

Sep 13, 2023

Lots of fun facts! I couldn't find the answer until the big reveal. Thanks Victor!


Apr 01, 2023



Feb 07, 2023

Hello Victor, I love it. This is so original and interesting ! A wonderful way to travel!


Dec 07, 2022

Hello Victor, I really like your virtual voiyages

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